** We would like to welcome Dr Camilla Holdstock to our team **

IUD Infusions

IUD Infusions with Dr Navneet Sandhu (female GP)

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Glass Street Medical Clinic Essendon – Iron InfusionsIron Infusions with Dr Navneet Sandhu (female GP). No referral is needed.

Now offering a simple approach to making sure you have adequate iron stores.

Vegan? Vegetarian? Malabsorption issues with your gut? Not eating enough green leafy vegetables or red meat? Frequently donating blood? Heavy periods Feeling tired? Difficulty concentrating? Prone to infections? 

Then you may be one of the estimated 1.1 million Australians who have low iron.

Iron is important to make haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is then needed to build red blood cells which transport oxygen around the body. So iron is needed to have energy for daily life.

Book with our GP to request a simple blood test and check your iron level today.

If you’re low in iron, you may consent for an iron infusion. Your GP will discuss the risks and benefits of an iron infusion and discuss alternative options to manage low iron.

The infusion process involves a drip being inserted directly into your vein using a needle. This drip is then connected to a bag of normal saline (or salty water) with iron mixed in. Iron enters your body through this drip.

Mild side effects of iron infusions are bloating, skin rash, nausea, headache, joint pain, metallic taste, dizziness, high blood pressure, palpitations and flushing. These side effects are usually temporary & last 1 to 2 days. More serious and rare side effects include allergy and potential life-threatening anaphylaxis.

A simple iron infusion takes only 20 minutes. You can return to your daily routine straight after, with no recovery/downtime needed.

Call our reception on 03 9379 2242 for any questions and for pricing. No referral is required.

Glass Street Medical Clinic

Our GP clinic aims to provide accessible and timely solutions for iron deficiency, improving patients' overall well-being and quality of life